Introducing Deptford Northern Soul Club Records, in association with [PIAS]. A modern reissue label, enabling Northern Soul lovers, young and old, to experience the music as it was meant to be heard.
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“After scouring record shops, markets and the internet for the best music for our sets we became increasingly frustrated at the cost and poor quality of the records that we wanted to play out. Whilst being happy to use digital alternatives in their place, good quality WAVs for some of the more obscure tracks became near impossible to find. So from day one we began to make a list of all the tracks we played out that were unobtainable on vinyl and those we could only have dreamt of playing that it seemed were lost to time. This list became the bedrock for Deptford Northern Soul Club Records, and with the help of Northern fans up and down the UK it grew to the point where we began searching for the rights and the highest quality audio to reissue. We are so excited to begin sharing releases soon. KTF!” Will and Lewis, 2019

DNSCR001 - Lester Tipton - This Won’t Change / Edward Hamilton - Baby Don’t You Weep
Includes the late Detroit soulman Lester Tipton’s one and only release ‘This Won’t Change’ from 1966, original copies of which go for a staggering $5000. Plus, from ‘67, Edward Hamilton And the Arabians’ superb ‘Baby Don’t You Weep’ which the one-time member of The Falcons recorded for Lou Beatty’s Mary Jane label, originals of which go for a paltry £250.
Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Lester Tipton was a child star. Alongside his twin sister Leslie, the Tipton’s were dancers on “Swinging Time”, a local TV variety show. They were not only known for putting popular steps to music, but for their style of dress. They found national recognition when chosen to represent Detroit on Dick Clark's "American Bandstand" competition, topping the grand finals in 1968. The team decided to pursue their interests in California, where they both became involved in fashion activity and films. This Won’t Change was released in 1966 and would be the only release of Tipton’s career. He was murdered at home in Los Angeles in 1982.

This Won’t Change is one of the rarest and highly valued soul releases in the world, original pressings fetching upwards of $5000 online. Having been reissued in 1980 and 1998, both commanding high resale prices online, 2019 sees a fresh pressing on high quality vinyl, ready to be discovered by a new generation of Northern Soul collectors, DJs and fans.
Edwards Hamilton & The Arabian’s Baby Don’t You Weep was originally released in 1967 on Mary Jane Records, an imprint of Lou Beatty’s La Beat Records that had released This Won’t Change the previous year.
Famed Twin Dancer Slain in L. A.
by Rita Griffin - Michigan Chronicle Feb 27th 1982
“Services were held Tuesday for Lester Tipton, a former Detroiter who gained popularity in his you with his twin sister Leslie as dancers on "Swinging Time," a local variety television show. The body of Tipton, 33, a resident of Los Angeles at the time of his death, was discovered by his sister last Friday. He had been beaten and robbed. "As shattering as it was, we all had a premonition something was wrong," said Tipton's mother, Mrs. Lucy Tipton of Detroit. "Leslie who had been in touch with him every day, hadn't heard from him since last Tuesday. And, I know it sounds strange, but for two nights, I had the same dream about a beating death." Tipton's sister, (Leslie) Mrs. Jerome Russell, had tried to gain entrance to her brother's house on one occasion, but it was locked. When phoning Detroit relatives about her concern, she was advised by her mother to try and get into the bedroom. "I wasn't expecting the worse," said Mrs. Tipton. "I just felt he might be sick or something. But I did have the feeling he was in his room." When Mrs. Russell and her husband went back to her brother's residence Friday, there was a strong odor coming from the house. They broke down the door and found Tipton dead in his room. "Just what happened or how it happened is a mystery," said Mrs. Tipton. "I had talked to him (Lester) earlier in the week and he did mention losing his keys a while back. Police are still investigating, but they feel the first blow that hit him knocked him unconscious. His watch and ring had been removed, so robbery was apparently involved." Twins Lester and Leslie were high school celebrities in the late 60's as regular performerson Robin Seymour's "Swinging Time" dance program, which aired on Channel 9. The two were not only noted for putting popular steps to music, but for their mode of dress as well. Both were fashion-conscious teens with high-style tastes. Their dancing ability, however, won them national recognition when chosen to represent Detroit on Dick Clark's "American Bandstand" competition. They topped the grand finals in 1968, winning two cars and a trip for their parents to Florida. The team decided to pursue their interests in California, where they both became involved in fashion activity and films. "They worked a lot as extras," said their mother. "Of course, they weren't stars by any means, but would call us when they were going to be in something and we knew which scenes to check for. It got so we could spot them right away." The twins were seen on television in a "Dynasty" episode last Wednesday and on "The Love Boat" Saturday. "That hurt us so much to watch, especially Leslie," said Mrs. Tipton, "because that was the day after his body was discovered." Tipton had moved back to California following a year in New York, where he graduated from a school of cosmetology. In Detroit, he attended Goldberg Elementary, Hutchins Junior High and Northern High Schools, and was a member of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Rites were held at the Charles E. Cole Funeral Chapel on E. Grand Boulevard. In addition to this mother and sister, Tipton is survived by his father, Willard, and two brothers, Larry and Eddie.”